EXIF times (an old version)
The table below contains a list of photos taken by Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers on April 1st 2014. The table is based on the information from the ColdCase blog, the collection Juanswers for Kris Kremers & Lisanne Froon and the list of EXIF times from this film (at 5:39 minutes). Photo numbers are numbers of original images from file names in the camera. "Ordinal number" is a subsequent number of a photo used in my text. For example I refer to photo number 482 as photo 1 in my text. Photos not known in public are denoted "???" in the column "photo". Corrected EXIF time is obtained by subtracting 6 hours from the original EXIF time. I also used photos from the wikiloc website to identify places on the trail.
The list below contains eight photos out of ten photos from the first leak of photos. These are photos number 491, 493, 499, 500, xxx, 505, 507, 508. So we know numbers only for seven photos on the list below. The last photo, which I denoted xxx, does not have a proper number. See the comment by Juan Perea attached to the following photo. I denoted those seven numbers as [*] in the column "photo number". The remaining numbers are just guessing.
photo | photo number |
corrected exif time |
ordinal number |
??? |
476 |
11:xx:xx |
477 |
11:18:xx |
2 |
478 |
11:18:39 |
479 |
11:18:44 |
??? |
480 |
11:25:08 |
??? |
481 |
11:25:11 |
482 |
11:25:27 |
1 |
??? |
483 |
11:25:31 |
484 |
11:25:33 |
3 |
485 |
11:25:36 |
486 |
11:25:48 |
4 |
487 |
11:42:14 |
5 |
??? |
488 |
11:42:18 |
??? |
489 |
11:42:26 |
??? |
490 |
12:02:46 |
491 [*] |
12:03:08 |
6 |
492 |
12:03:16 |
18 |
493 [*] |
12:42:25 |
7 |
494 |
12:42:32 |
19 |
495 |
13:00:23 |
9 |
496 |
13:00:3x |
10 |
497 |
13:01:06 |
8 |
??? |
498 |
13:01:14 |
499 [*] |
13:01:38 |
11 |
500 [*] |
13:01:44 |
12 |
501 |
13:01:56 |
??? |
502 |
13:02:01 |
503 |
13:06:15 |
17 |
??? |
504 |
13:06:20 |
505 [*] |
13:20:33 |
14 |
??? |
506 |
13:20:36 |
507 [*] |
13:54:50 |
15 |
508 [*] |
13:54:58 |
16 |
xxx |
13:xx:xx |
13 |