Photo 10 (498)

A selfie of Kris and Lisanne taken at the Mirador.

Photo 10

We have the following data needed to calculate the time of taking photo 10:
Segment 1:
L = 8.0 pixels
H = 34.0 pixels
date = 2014-04-01 (April 1st 2014)
latitude = 8.834647
longitude = -82.42412
time zone = -5
DST = 0 (Daylight Saving Time, there is no DST in Panama)

The results obtained by means of method 1 (here is a description of method 1):
elevation = 74.74 deg. (cell B55 in the spreadsheet)
local time 1 = 13:24:11
azimuth 1 = 252.63 deg.
local time 2 = 11:42:49
azimuth 2 = 107.37 deg.

For segment 2 we have:
L = 15.0 pixels
H = 89.0 pixels
date = 2014-04-01 (April 1st 2014)
latitude = 8.834647
longitude = -82.42412
time zone = -5
DST = 0 (Daylight Saving Time, there is no DST in Panama)

The results obtained by means of method 1 (here is a description of method 1):
elevation = 80.43 deg. (cell B55 in the spreadsheet)
local time 1 = 13:08:16
azimuth 1 = 244.96 deg.
local time 2 = 11:58:45
azimuth 2 = 115.03 deg.